Information for Prescribers
Tanto la profilaxis previa como posterior a la exposición (PrEP y nPEP) pueden ser manejadas fácilmente por un médico generalista / proveedor de atención primaria. Consulte los enlaces a continuación para obtener recursos que se han diseñado específicamente para proveedores.
Si está prescribiendo PrEP activamente y le gustaría aparecer en el directorio de proveedores de todo el estado, complete el formulario al final de esta página.
PrEP Information for Prescribers

Trifold brochure developed by the Iowa Department of Public Health providing a detailed overview of updated PrEP clinical practice guidelines, PrEP therapy options, and medication management considerations.
Printable one-page overview of PrEP therapy options and medication management considerations developed by the Iowa Department of Public Health.
Printable one-page quick reference sheet reviewing PrEP medication options and management considerations developed by the Iowa Department of Public Health.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and US Public Health Service released updated clinical practice guidelines in 2021 to assist prescribers in initiating and managing PrEP medications.
The National Clinician Consultation Center provides clinically supported advice on PrEP for healthcare providers including up-to-date clinical consultation for PrEP decision-making, from determining when PrEP is an appropriate part of a prevention program to understanding laboratory protocols and follow-up tests.
PEP Information for Prescribers
nPEP Provider Frequently Asked Questions
Developed by the Iowa Department of Public Health, this printable one-page reference sheet addresses frequently asked questions related to non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis (nPEP) for prescribers.
nPEP Clinical Practice Guidelines
nPEP Toolkit
Developed by the AIDS Education & Training Center Program (AETC), this toolkit provides information and resources for utilization and management of non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released updated guidelines in 2016 to assist prescribers in the use of antiretrovirals for post-exposure prophylaxis after sexual, injection drug use, or other nonoccupational exposure to HIV.
Need more information? Contact us today!
Consultation, technical assistance, and training are available to Iowa providers.